Hoh Boon-Peng

作者:山东东盟研究中心 时间:2020年06月19日 10:56 点击数:



  Professor Dr Hoh Boon-Peng is a molecular population geneticist, currently affiliated to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UCSI University. Currently, Dr Hoh is also holding the position as the Director for Centre of Excellence for Research, Value Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CERVIE), which serves as the Research Management Centre of the UCSI University.


  Dr Hoh obtained his PhD from Universiti Putra Malaysia. His research interests include human genome variation and population genetics. Of particular interest, he studies the human migration history and genomic local adaptation of Southeast Asia indigenous populations, and its implication on common and complex diseases. He seeks to address the fundamental question of the functions of genomic variation and how its interaction with the environment is shaping the human traits and complex disease, ultimately to contribute to the approach of precision medicine. His major findings include identification of the molecular pathway that may lead to the susceptibility of severe dengue; and identification of various genes susceptible to malaria infection.


  Dr Hoh is a Registered Biosafety Professional in Malaysia. As a chair of the Institutional Biosafety Committee for UCSI University, he is currently a task force member of the University in responding the COVID-19 related matters on campus. In addition, his laboratory has been selected by the Ministry of Health Malaysia as a laboratory to assist the government for COVID-19 diagnostic test.


  Dr Hoh was a member of HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium. He is currently a member of American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) and Genetic Society of Malaysia. He has been appointed as the visiting scientist of Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was awarded with the JCI "Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian 2013" under the category of Academic Achievement & Accomplishment.


  Dr Hoh has published more than 65 peer-reviewed local and international journal publications, and 100 abstracts or proceedings in local and international scientific meetings and conferences. Currently, he is a member of the editorial board for journals BMC Medical Genetics, and PLOS ONE.

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